When Michelangelo carved his masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, do you think he was saying that David had some big balls to do what he did, or am I just extremely well endowed?
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When Michelangelo carved his masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, do you think he was saying that David had some big balls to do what he did, or am I just extremely well endowed?
We will forever be known as “The Species that Almost Got it Right”. Throughout history, we have been notoriously wrong about everything. And although we are more often wrong than right we sometimes get pretty close.
It is the job of the propagandist to change the way people understand an issue. He wants to change the public’s actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the ruling elite. For effective propaganda to succeed, it must also become a censor of information also. Not only filling...
The Boii tribe gave their name to the regions of Bohemia (Modern Day Czechoslovakia), Bologna (Northern Italy) and Bavaria (Southern Germany). They were one of the most influential of the ancient Celtic tribes during the late Iron Age. They first appear in history in connection with the...
Today is hump day and today’s sex position will help you hump your day away. The Rocking Chair begins with the guys on the bottom sitting with legs out flat. Girls you will straddle him facing away for maximum rocking motion. Be prepared for a workout as this is not your grandmothers...
We like to think our humanity is what separates us from the other animals but is it? Perhaps that is what best describes our philological state?
The Course of Empire is a five-part series of paintings created by Thomas Cole in the years 1833-36. It is notable in part for reflecting popular American sentiments of the times, when many saw pastoralism as the ideal phase of human civilization, fearing that empire would lead to...
In Greek mythology, Saturn was called Cronus and was king of the cosmos for “untold ages”, his father was Uranus and his mother was Gaia (earth). Cronus seized power by castrating and killing his father Uranus. Like all tyrants, he too feared his demise, so Cronus had a bad habit of...
Leonardo da Vinci is probably most known for his famous paintings of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But painting is only one of his many amazing abilities. Born in 1452, Leonardo was a polymathic person skilled in painting, sculpture, architecture, music, science, math, engineering...
She was a mathematician, philosopher and the daughter of Theon Alexandricus, the last librarian of the Alexandria Library in the Museum of Alexandria. She was educated at Athens and in Italy; at about 400 AD, she became headmistress of the Platonist school at Alexandria, where she...
An epic tale from the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology, it’s story of love, lust, broken trust, relentless passion and ultimate tragedy. Like all such stories which live a long life, and this story is at least seventeen centuries old, it concerns a love triangle. A familiar triangle, the...
Today's Kama Sutra sex position may look hard but the sexy scissors are easy, fun, and will leave you wanting more. This one is the kind of position you ending up doing after a drunken game of Twister with the sexy one next door.
Romeo and Juliet were two star-crossed lovers in William Shakespeare's most famous play. It does not make any specific moral statement about the relationships between love and society, religion, and family.
The Hubble Space Telescope has 5 cameras on it but not one of them records the colors of visible light that we see in this video. All visible light images are in the grayscale.
Did you ever wonder why we have seven days in a week? As it turns out the seven day week is based on the moon and not the sun. There are 29 days to the moons cycle which breaks down into 4 seven day periods with 1 day of what is called a New Moon (also called the Dark Moon) and is not...
The number seven has a long history of mystical and religious associations: Seven Sleepers, Seven Ages of Man, Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece, Seventh Son of the Seventh Son, Seven Sisters and Seven Days Week.
Belief in the special gifts of a Seventh Son (and Daughter) can be found in Folklore throughout the world. In France, The Seventh Son was called a ‘Marcou’ and branded with a fleur-de-lis. Captains of Merchant Ships would try, ‘often by force if necessary’ to have a Seventh Son on ship as...
The Pleiades, located more than 400 light-years away in the Taurus constellation, are the subject of many legends and writings throughout the world. Greek mythology holds that the great hunter Orion saw the Pleiades as they walked through the Boeotian countryside, and fancied them. He...
Seven Ages of Man is from the romantic comedy “As You Like It”, written by William Shakespeare. It is set in the forest of Arden, where the senior Duke lives in exile with a band of loyal courtiers. These lines are spoken by one of the characters, Jaques, who is given to a lot of...
The Seven Sleepers story appears to be primarily a Christian story as it also has variations in the Muslim, Arabic, Scandinavian, German, Hungarian, and Welsh mythology. The basic story goes that during the time of the Roman emperor Decius, around 250 AD, seven young men were accused of...
The Lazy Doggie is just what the doctor ordered after a long hot night of sexual activity. This is as easy as sex can get so ladies, lie down on your stomach and have your man lie on top of you and then let the fun begin.
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse. It is largely in prose, with many inserted anustubh poetry verses. “Kāma” which is one of the three...
This documentary was an intellectual, thought-provoking, and worthwhile presentation. It is a powerful indictment of the American Propaganda Machine. It lays bare the inner workings of how the American Plutocracy employs media to shape and control the American populist opinion.
Christmas is celebrated around the world in many different ways. Traditions, Songs and Food are just a few of the variations from country to country, but in spite of these differences, family, friends and sharing remain a common thread regardless of the language one may speak.
The Mayan’s did not predict the end of the world and their calendar was cyclical, in other words, it never ended. There are only two mentions of 2012 in Mayan writing and they reference the end of the 13th Bak’tun (1 Bak’tun was equal to 394.26 years) which ends on the winter solstice...
T-Rex or more formally known as Tyrannosaurus Rex (meaning "tyrant lizard king", from the Greek tyrannos meaning "tyrant," and sauros meaning "lizard" and the Latin rex meaning "king") was a coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur.
Easter is a Christian feast and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. To understand how the resurrection of Jesus Christ correlates to the spring equinox, you have to understand what Jesus...
For the third time and after an eight-and-a-half-year-long occupation, the US has declared an end to the Iraq War. The United States is leaving behind a $6 billion embassy and diplomatic effort to be run by the State Department and staffed with thousands of private...
Stingy Jack, perhaps also known as Jack the Smith, Drunk Jack, and Jack of the Lantern, is a mythical character apparently associated with All Hallows Eve. It is common lore that the "jack-o'-lantern" is derived from ...