
Reviews and Opinions about Boat Anchorages

Nyack Anchorage on the Hudson River

Nyack Anchorage on the Hudson River

The Nyack Anchorage is located north-east of the mooring field near the west shore. A public dock is located just south of the mooring field and north of condo development. Do not enter the private condo marina.

Anchorage: Northeast Whitehall Bay

Anchorage: Northeast Whitehall Bay

Whitehall Bay, on the west side of Chesapeake Bay and has general depths of 13 to 6 feet. A lighthouse at Sharps Point, on the west side of the entrance to Whitehall Creek Entrance Light 2W, provides a well-marked approach to the channel between North Shoal and Whitehall Flats.

Anchorage: Tilghman Creek

Anchorage: Tilghman Creek

Tilghman Creek is an excellent place to drop the hook if you are looking for solitude. This honey of an anchorage is sheltered from all directions, although houses and docks surround the cove. Normally not too crowded and offers Good holding.

Anchorage: Chesapeake City Located on the C&D Canal

Anchorage: Chesapeake City

While tidal current tables report the current at the entrance at 2 knots, old hands know that the current across the entrance can be substantially greater. More current is experienced at the far end of the basin where a small stream enters.

Anchorage: Yopps Cove - Carter Creek

Anchorage: Yopps Cove – Carter Creek

Yopps Cove is located in an area of Virginia known as the "Northern Neck." In the 18th century, it was dubbed the "Athens of America". Steeped in history, three presidents, George Washington, James Madison and James Monroe, were born on the Northern Neck of Virginia.

Atlantic City Anchorage: Rum Point Basin

Atlantic City Anchorage: Rum Point Basin

Rum Point Basin anchorage has good holding and plenty of room. You can leave your dinghy in the Trump marina/ state marina between F and E docks for 3 hours for free. Bus comes every 10 minutes to take you to town.