Maps, Apps and More

Our Navigation Station

The Navigation Station

Currently, we have lined up a few tools to offer at our Navigation Station. The Weather Maps and the Route Planner.  Use these tools to plan your next sailing trip.

Weather Wind & Wave Maps

Active Weather Wind and Wave Maps
Active Weather Wind and Wave Maps

Active Weather Wind and Wave Maps

Use this tool to keep abreast of the current weather conditions worldwide.   Check this map just before sailing to check for fast approaching weather patterns.  From the right side menu select from 7 data feeds;  Live Radar, Wind, Clouds, Temperature, Rain, Waves, and the CAPE Index.  It works to form a network of live feed weather stations and will predict up to 2 days of weather.

Rout Planner / Chart Plotter

Rout Planner / Chart Plotter
Rout Planner / Chart Plotter

OpenSeaMap Ocean Navigation and Route Planner

This is a great tool for planning your route. It will calculate the distance between each waypoint and the total distance of the plan. Combine this with the Waterway Guide to find harbors and anchorages that you can plot onto this mapping system. Save your route in CVS, KML or GML format and upload it directly to your ship’s chart plotter.

Waterway Guide

Waterway Guide
Waterway Guide

Waterway Guide

Waterway Guide is the most comprehensive database of marinas, anchorages, harbors, bridges, charts and more than any sailor could ask for. I use this as a bible, I can’t live without it. If you are not using it you need to try it.


Sailflow App
Sailflow App


I use this app on my phone when I am at sea. It gives active radar maps and other relevant sailing data. A must-have for any serious sailor.