Dreamkeeper is a 2003 film written by John Fusco and directed by Steve Barron. The film recounts 10 Indian legends from the from the Cheyenne, Pawnee, Lakota, Blackfeet, Kiowa, Mohawk and Crow tribes.
Dreamkeeper is a 2003 film written by John Fusco and directed by Steve Barron. The film recounts 10 Indian legends from the from the Cheyenne, Pawnee, Lakota, Blackfeet, Kiowa, Mohawk and Crow tribes.
Every myth, Egyptian, Greek, Roman or otherwise, that has ever been told or written, varies in its telling. The basic themes are repeated in many of our myths, but details and even story lines will differ considerably, from village to village and eon to eon.
In Greek mythology, Saturn was called Cronus and was king of the cosmos for “untold ages”, his father was Uranus and his mother was Gaia (earth). Cronus seized power by castrating and killing his father Uranus. Like all tyrants, he too feared his demise, so Cronus had a bad habit of...
An epic tale from the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology, it’s story of love, lust, broken trust, relentless passion and ultimate tragedy. Like all such stories which live a long life, and this story is at least seventeen centuries old, it concerns a love triangle. A familiar triangle, the...
Belief in the special gifts of a Seventh Son (and Daughter) can be found in Folklore throughout the world. In France, The Seventh Son was called a ‘Marcou’ and branded with a fleur-de-lis. Captains of Merchant Ships would try, ‘often by force if necessary’ to have a Seventh Son on ship as...